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Monday, 28 February 2011

A report, ‘The Causes and Incidence of Occupational Accidents and Ill-Health Across the Globe’, published today (28th April 2009) by leading global health and safety training organisation and charitable body the British Safety Council (BSC), estimates that approximately 6000 people around the world are dying every day from work-related accidents or illnesses. With effective systems and procedures in place, every one of these deaths should be preventable” said the BSC’s Chief Executive Brian Nimick. Published today to mark the World Day for Health and Safety at Work, the BSC’s report brings together for the first time the different country data on work-related deaths, accidents and ill-health and attempts a broad analysis of countries and multinational company case studies. Brian Nimick said: “Today’s report has two aims: spelling out the magnitude of the pain and suffering that poorly managed and appalling working conditions is causing; and welcoming the successful measures that governments, NGOs, businesses and trade unions have put in place to improve workers’ health and safety.”

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Home Business

Home business opportunities and the internet are interlinked and when one thinks of the former, the latter automatically crops up. The internet unfortunately is full of people who carry out fraudulent business and these people simply rob you of all your money, leaving you empty-handed. The best home business opportunity is that which you start on your own. Put your special talents or skills to use. Provided you have passion for something, you can achieve success in business.
Over the recent years, there is tremendous buzz about having a blog. What is a blog? It is a type of website, usually maintained by individuals with commentaries arranged in reversed chronological order. In most cases, it is used as a personal journal entry to keep friends informed.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Precision Business Solutions

Precision Business Solutions is in business to support your business.  We provide Business Consulting and Information Technology Service and Support to our Clients.
With many years of success in global corporations, we have discovered what the top 1% of companies do that generates their sales and profit success.
With our help, you will create and deliver highly successful Sales & Marketing activities which are linked to structured Financial and Operations plans.
On these pages you will find the most successful tools, tips and strategies that have been proven to succeed...again, again and again.
Precision Business Solutions is a fast paced and energetic company, with the tools and resources to help your business in today's technology oriented world.  We hope that you take a few minutes to review our website, and please feel free to contact us with any questions or to arrange for a free consultation.
Our intention is to provide you with high quality, "easy to adopt" tools that increases your knowledge, generates clear thinking for you and empowers you towards success.

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Business Plan

If you're like most people, you've never written a business plan before. A consultant seems like a natural solution: hire a professional to do the job you don't have the time or experience to do yourself, right? Well, maybe. Before I tell you about the secret weapon most consultants use to write your plan, let me give you some things to think about if you're getting ready to hire a consultant.
  • One size doesn't fit all. Your business is unique, so you need to find the right consultant for you. Take time and research consultants carefully. Make sure they have an A+ Better Business Bureau rating. Find somebody who's done plans for other businesses like yours, preferably in your industry.
  • You get what you pay for. A good business plan writer charges at least $100 per hour. Anyone who promises to write your plan for $400 or less either isn't qualified to do it or isn't spending the time on your plan that your business deserves.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Sample Marketing Plan

Mobile News Games LLC (MNG) develops mobile games relating to current news events. This marketing plan illustrates our market segments and the strategies we are employing to get customers and create a solid revenue stream. We are not just any mobile game developer. Our unique focus of creating games with a news twist gives us an advantage over our competitors by giving customers a new outlet to enjoy mobile games. This fills a read need of not just traditional gamers but expands our reach to people who would normally not play mobile games yet are amused by the comical angle we use.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Free Online Business at Home

We live is an age of science and technology. Today we cannot think our life without science. Internet is a modern international computer network. It is a speedy transmitting system of information with the help of computer. A man can dial a number from his computer and link to the internet and it with soon give him a connection in and outside the country according to his expectation. Internet is a milestone in the modern world of communication.
One time  i was made chat. Fist time it so enjoyble for me and i think that i need to do something. I heard, you may do business in online and you may earh so many money by sat your house. When i heard this i think its fun. One day i found a web site address and at a time browse the address and get some information. After that i was attend a seminer  for known to well about this. When it is clear to me than i join in the online business. At this moment i can earn so many money in every month. I want to share this kind of moment with all of you. We can use several service or business from the outside office without going there. Online business very popular business.         

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Free Online Business at Home

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