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Monday, 28 February 2011

A report, ‘The Causes and Incidence of Occupational Accidents and Ill-Health Across the Globe’, published today (28th April 2009) by leading global health and safety training organisation and charitable body the British Safety Council (BSC), estimates that approximately 6000 people around the world are dying every day from work-related accidents or illnesses. With effective systems and procedures in place, every one of these deaths should be preventable” said the BSC’s Chief Executive Brian Nimick. Published today to mark the World Day for Health and Safety at Work, the BSC’s report brings together for the first time the different country data on work-related deaths, accidents and ill-health and attempts a broad analysis of countries and multinational company case studies. Brian Nimick said: “Today’s report has two aims: spelling out the magnitude of the pain and suffering that poorly managed and appalling working conditions is causing; and welcoming the successful measures that governments, NGOs, businesses and trade unions have put in place to improve workers’ health and safety.”


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